Being active in nature is academically proven to be beneficial for human health, not just physically, but for our mental wellbeing too.  And in a challenging year for everyone, people have found solace and comfort in connecting with nature to look after both body and mind. In fact “Nature” was the theme of this month’s Mental Health Awareness Week, encouraging people to explore natural places to support their overall wellbeing.  

It’s no wonder. respected American University Harvard have said:  "Research in a growing scientific field called ‘ecotherapy’ has shown a strong connection between time spent in nature and reduced stress, anxiety, and depression." Closer to home, the Wildlife Trusts and the University of Derby published a report that found: “Connecting to nature leads to a scientifically significant increase in people's health, happiness, and active behaviours." 

And what better natural place to be active than the seas and the oceans? Ocean-based activities can provide both an adrenaline rush and sense of tranquility rarely matched by other environments.  

Of course, at SeaSports Southwest, we have a particular passion for the seas and oceans. Its where we work and it’s where we love to be. 

The Ocean is a special place, covering 70% of the planet and key to the survival of humanity, but also every single other organism on the planet, generating at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen and providing a home to most of the earth’s diversity.  

Next month is World Oceans Day (8 June) and it is timely reminder not only of the importance of preserving and nurturing the oceans, but of their importance to human health and wellbeing 

In running our centre, the most rewarding part of our jobs is creating and delivering experiences that help people of all ages and abilities be healthier and happier.  So, whether it’s sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding or windsurfing, we have the equipment and expert guidance to give you an experience to cherish as – together – we get #BackToNature 

Looking forward to seeing you soon

Sue, Tim and the team at SeaSports Southwest